Guidelines For Commercial Refrigeration Service

If you are interested in maintaining your commercial refrigerator or freezer, it will be important to take care of the system that you have. Commercial refrigeration professionals can help you get optimum value out of your equipment, in order to store food, medicine, ingredients and other materials through the course of your business. Follow the tips below in order to get the best from your commercial refrigeration:

Run routine performance checks for your refrigerator and freezer

If you need the best performance out of your commercial refrigerator and freezer, there are some common inspections and repairs you must run. The little repairs add up and make a difference when it comes to the way that this system runs for you on a daily basis. For example, you will need to clean out the evaporator coils of your freezer and refrigeration system so that you get the best cold air flow. When these refrigerator coils get blocked, cold temperatures will have trouble circulating. During the inspections, it is also important that you change seals and insulation so that the system does not deal with air leaks. Bad striping can mean warm temperatures inside of the refrigerator, which might end with damaged goods.

Keep your bills and waste low

Because refrigerators and freezers must run around the clock, do everything you can to minimize the waste that your system creates. Your refrigerators run best when they consistently have items inside but are not overfilled. Keeping the food well spaced promotes airflow, which will keep all items fresher for much longer. For certain items, it might make sense to install motion sensors so that light only comes on when absolutely necessary. Not only will these sorts of tips keep your refrigerator and freezer system operating properly, it will also lower your electrical bills and environmental waste.

Buy a maintenance plan for your refrigerator system

Since this refrigeration system is expected to keep your business going, purchase a maintenance plan from a refrigeration repair company. Commercial refrigeration systems can cost between $70 per month and $150 per month to operate, so maintaining it will keep the maintenance costs at the lower end of the spectrum. Keep the paperwork for your refrigerator warranty so that you are able to take advantage of it whenever necessary.

Follow the tips presented in this guide and you will understand more about commercial refrigerators and freezers. Contact a company like Hooten Equipment Company LLC for more information and assistance. 
